Like in a hospital operating room, the jobs of anesthesia should be separate, as this provides the highest margins of safety for both the surgery and sedation components. The vast majority of the IV sedations we provide are “clean”, meaning we generally only use one drug, Propofol. Propofol has a very short duration in the body allowing our patients to fall asleep rapidly and wake up quickly without having to wait for multiple drugs to be broken down in the body. The main difference between what we offer and what you will find in an oral surgery office is that our CRNA is responsible for patient monitoring and anesthesia, so Dr. Binkowski can concentrate on quickly, safely, and painlessly completing the surgery. This is how we are able to safely complete so many surgeries in a day.
Our team approach of separating the anesthesia and surgery ensures the highest level of safety and patient comfort possible. Our patients stay asleep, comfortable and relaxed for the entire duration of the procedure, allowing Dr Binkowski to work extremely efficiently at removing the wisdom teeth. Anxiety over “getting numb” is also not something our patients need to worry about. While Local anesthetic is used to numb the surgical sites and reduce post-op surgical discomfort, this is done AFTER the patient is asleep. The only “pinch” you might remember is the IV being started- that’s it.
We want to reiterate that ALL IV ANESTHETICS in our office are administered by a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist– a licensed medical professional, NOT the doctor performing the surgery. This is the exact opposite of what you find in an oral surgery office.
After the surgery is completed. All patients are transferred to the care of our recovery nurse. She stays with the patient until they are awake and ready to be dismissed. All patients recovering from IV anesthesia are never left unattended.
Choose the safe, affordable and convenient way to remove your wisdom teeth. Contact us today.