Wisdom Teeth Removal

Removing your wisdom teeth the wise way WITHOUT the use of Narcotics

Your wisdom teeth typically come in between the ages of 17 and 25, and your dentist will monitor their growth and potential impact on the rest of your mouth through X-rays and examination. Iowa Wisdom Teeth only focuses on providing superior IV Sedation and ultra efficient impacted wisdom teeth removal.  We use the same type IV sedation you would find at an oral surgeons office, however our IV sedation providers (CRNAs) have received more training and experience in anesthesia and are accustomed to the use of a wider range of medications.  99.9% of our sedations are NARCOTIC FREE.  Even with the most anxious, dental phobic patients, they stay asleep for the entire duration of the surgery, breath on their own, hear nothing, feel nothing, remember nothing, and wake up quickly upon completion of the surgery.  This is the benefit of a medical provider monitoring and controlling the sedation level of the patient; it increases patient safety and comfort and allows a very quick uneventful surgery.  

What to Expect

Pre-Op Appointment

Day of Surgery

Post-Op Expectations

Your Questions Answered

We have found that adults that need wisdom teeth removed over the age of 28 tend to have a higher incidence of post op pain, infection, and take longer to heal. This is why we advocate removal at younger age.

We advocate removal of wisdom teeth after root formation start, which can range in age from 14-21. Our typical patient ages for this procedure are 15-26 years old.

All appointments are 40-50 min with actual surgery taking on average 15-25 minutes, however this is dependent upon age of patient and in some cases the depth of impaction.  From your perspective, it will seem like just a few minutes have passed.  The most common question our patients ask us when they wake up is : “Have you started yet?”

Patients fall in a deeply sedated state where they feel nothing, hear nothing, and remember nothing.

  1. Simple
  2. Surgical
  3. Tissue Impacted
  4. Bone Impacted

A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist , with great experience will administer all the anesthesia and constantly monitors the patient at all times. This allows Dr. Binkowski to solely focus on the surgery—just like you would find in an operating room at a hospital.

This means the teeth are underneath the tissue or within the bone and are not likely to fully come through.

No, most people have four, but Dr. B has removed as many as eight!

Let's remove your wisdom teeth

Choose the safe, affordable and convenient way to remove your wisdom teeth. Contact us today.